Sensory-motor functions: a set of abilities to experience your body, emotions, the environment, time, place, and interpersonal relationships. First network to develop (ages 0-12), provides foundation for entire brain. Improve mind-body connection and relaxation with one of these activities:
What are brain superpowers?
Sensory-motor network
Optimized for movement
*Art (drawing, painting, sculpting)
*Caring for animals or babies
*Equine or canine therapy
*Mandala drawing
Cognitive control network
Optimized for purpose
Executive functions: a set of abilities for emotional control, focus, managing resources, planning, rationality, and self-direction within social constraints. Second network to develop (ages 12-40). Improve short-term memory and decision-making with one of these activities:
*Behavior change to improve health
*Confession of guilt
*Debate club
*Examen of consciousness practice
*Gratitude journal
*Implementing a plan to achieve goals
*Launching project for the common good
*Meditation or centering prayer
*Personal retreat
*Toastmasters Club
Default network
Optimized for meaning
Theory of mind skills: a set of abilities to understand and predict mental states–beliefs, desires, emotions, intents, knowledge, and motives–of self and others. Third network to develop (ages 40 and up). Improve empathy, humor and memory with one of these activities:
*Attending a theatrical performance
*Journaling about your dreams and feelings
*Learning a new language
*Listening to music from teens and 20s
*Playing a musical instrument
*Reading and discussing fiction
*Stand-up comedy
*Support group
*Write your own obituary
“I shall take the heart, for brains do not make one happy and happiness is the best thing in the world.”
Tin Man, The Wizard of Oz by L. Fraunk Baum